Why are we alive? what purpose do we serve by being here? Those questions are not new to any one, certainly to some one who has been contemplating about the reason for his/her existence. Yet so far little did manage to answer that question, but still those answers are nothing but theories and personal points of view on how some one perceives his/her existence. No matter how much thought or how much we wrestle with this question it keeps staring back in our faces with irony, our existence it seems to play a cruel joke as it we stumble around our busy lives thinking that we are so special that the universe revolves around us human beings.
But we're not as special as we think we are, however we maybe special to our selves or to the people we manage to empress with our gifted and highly evolved brains, but we're not any were near to being special in this universe or any other universe for that matter.
As human beings, having the power of knowledge and intellectuality, and reasoning power, we tend to come up with ways as attempts to justify our existence and answer our life long question "why are we here?" as a result some of us come up with brilliant ideas and theories, and some other come up with ignorant and delusional ideas and theories that are not based on any physical or scientific principles. Those ignorant ideas and theories come to us in the form of "religion" "God". because people need to believe that their life has a purpose, without a purpose they feel that their is no meaning to their existence.
That's is not true, believing in the existence of a God, dose not validate our existence, we are here, and we do exist with or without a God, and even without that God, we do have a purpose in life, that purpose is to procreate and to advance, and build and live on this planet, our purpose is to self sustain and to discover the vastness of the universe that we live in as nature has intended for us from the moment we started to evolve from bacterial beginning, and to go beyond the boundaries of this universe, Saying that God put us here so that we can worship him, is by it self as bad as taking large amounts of hallucinogenic drugs and destroying brain cells. Religion has been clouding our minds for so many centuries and it still does the same thing.
Life and Death experience is not a proof of God's existence, and just because some people are able to validate the concept of a supreme being who is able to control our live and see through our every thought at every moment of our lives is not a scientific proof, nor is it an acceptable proof that God does exist.
The reason for this is that people involve their emotions when they try to find the reason for their existence, and automatically they always go after the more convenient conclusion, the one that acts as a security blanket, even though reality is not as pleasant as we imagine it, sure it is reassuring to know that some one will be rewarded for their good deeds with a place filled with rivers of wine, and the most delicious fruits. Still it is not reality, reality is here on earth it is among us yet we fail to see it, we fail to see how we are hypnotized by figures of authority that use religion as an excuse to control our thoughts and our behavior and control the way we eat the way we interact with people the way we talk, the way we dress, the way think, the way we walk, that very same authority tells us how we should love, who we should hate, how should we spend our time, they tell us to bend over backwards and give up our minds and our freedom of though and speech, so that they can use us and abuse us and squeeze every drop of blood and dignity that we have left, we are oppressed by religion we feel it exercising it's oppression on us as we pay taxes, as we learn in schools, we are being brainwashed in every waking moment of our life, Yet we still fail to see what they are doing to us, they have us blindfolded from the truth, they draw an ugly picture and promise to deliver lakes of holly fire for those who dare to take the blindfolds off, and promise to deliver heaven to those who obey and live the rest of their lives as sheep, those promises are false, there is no heaven and there is no hell, there is no life after death, our life is what we make of it, God will only exist in our heads, because there is no place for him in our universe, God is nothing but an electric impulse traveling in our neuron networks of our brains, God is nothing, Nothing belongs to no were, therefor we should abolish this false thought from our minds, and set our selves free from the chains of this authority before it destroys us and destroys every thing we've worked for and built.
We came to existence by random chance, there is nothing special about that, but it is the closest thing to logic, saying that God created us does not solve unlock the secrets of the universe, because if God did create us, logic would demand a creator for the creator. Islam claims that the big bang theory is mentioned in the Holy Qura'n, but I will have to disagree with that, after doing some intensive research, the paragraph in the Qura'n about the big bang theory that Muslims seem to tose around so happily has nothing to do with that. in fact, the Qura'n says that God created a flat earth at the beginning of creation, then he built the universe around it in a form of seven layers. what is more ignorant is that when Muhammad explained the universe to his followers he was very much mistaken about the dimensions of our planet, and the distances that separate between us and the clouds in the sky, and the dimensions of the universe it self.
For instance, Muhammad would say that the distance between the surface of earth and the clouds is a 500 year walk. then he would say that our planted is divided in to seven layers, the thickness of each layer is a 700 year walk, which is completely wrong. further more, Muhammad also divided space into seven layers each layer's thickness is equal to a 500 years walk and above that is an ocean the distance from the bottom of that ocean to it's surface is equal to the whole 7 layers of space all put together, and above that is the throne of God.
If i were to run a simple calculation and add up those numbers i would come to this conclusion:
If an average person could walk at least 80 kilometers each day, then we multiply that by 365 which are the total number of days in one year. the result would be 29200 Kilometers per year, then if we multiply that number by 500, the result for that would be 14600000, then multiply that by 7, the result would be 102200000 Kilometers, then finally multiply that by 2, which is the measure of the ocean that sprays above the 7 layers of space, the result would finally come to this distance 204400000 Kilometers.
So, if you travel 204400000 Kilometers deep in to space in a straight line, then you should run in to God. The only problem is, that sun is 500 light seconds or 8 light minuts away from us, in kilometers the sun is 150000000 kilometers away from earth, this means that God is at twice the distance away from us. Keep in mind that the distance of the nearest star which is called Proxima Centauri is 678024000000 Kilometers away from our planet. If that is the case, then logically speaking, If the Proxima Centauri among other far away stars that are visible in the night sky as well as the sun the shines brightest of all because it is is so close to us, then imagine a God who is so great and so big and huge and so magnificent and so luminant and has a very shiny face, who's larger than all the planets and the sun and all the stars put together and who is not as far from us as our sun, wouldn't we be able to see that God?
God exists because we only believe that he exists, God is Freddy Kruger, he haunts our thought and our dreams, and he is only able to harm us if we believe in him. once you stop believing he can harm you no more.