You might have heard about or seen some of the pictures that Muslims claim to be a miraculous work of God (Allah). They are posted every were on the net mainly in Islamic websites. Here i will show you a few pictures with a little comment on each picture.

I remember when i was about 7 years old i used to play a game with my friends, as we watch the cloudy sky, and imagine the shapes that clouds form, and try to guess what that shape is. in the above picture Muslims claim that a divine force had shaped that cloud to form the name of "Allah" in Arabic calligraphy. it makes me wonder though. Why would god shape his name on a cloud in Arabic calligraphy, so that only Arabs can understand his "message" why didn't he shape it in English letters? does Arabs really need any more convincing of the existence of a divine delusion?Let's look at it from a more logical perspective, which is that clouds shift shapes thousands of times every day, and it forms millions of shapes that really looks like a face or a bunny rabbit, etc. couldn't it be possible that out of those millions of shapes that the clouds had took form of, to form a single shape that looks like the Arabic word of "Allah"?
This picture is not any different from the one above it, it's also based on the same principle of chance. through-out not just millions, but billions of years that it is a given fact that trees also grow to take different shapes. Muslims see this as a person in the "Ruku" position which is a position taken during prayer. The fact of the matter is that every one can look at this image from their own perspective using a little imagination. for example in that image i don't see a person praying to god, but i do see some one bending over about to get fucked.
At this point, I'm thinking that Muslims had really out-done them selves, but i got one word for this picture "coincidence" which is also explained by the same principle that i have explained above.

Here is another interesting picture, this was taken in Indonesia, when the unfortunate disaster took place "Tsunami" In the picture there is a mosque that had survived this disaster, which made Muslims go "wow" and also had put them in the delusion that God (Allah) had protected that mosque. Could it be; that the mosque didn't collapse because it is made from heavy concrete cement and was re-enforced with a lot of steel? If you take a look at the top of the image you will also find another building that had survived the disaster, could it also be that God was protecting that building as well? or could it be that the other building is built from concrete and re-enforced with steel as well? while all the other houses were not strong enough to stand against such a great natural disaster.Not to mention that Muslims believe Tsunami was sent by God to punish Indonesians for their sins. Look at the statistics, the victims of Tsunami were poor and innocent people, so it appears that in God's logic it's a sin to be poor.
Finely, If there was a God who is causing natural disasters to punish nations for their sins, and since God hates jews so much; then why doesn't that same God send a Tsunami to Israel and kill every jewish there so that Muslims can "claim back their God given right to own that land?".A person who has a high level of intellect would easily refute those pictures as evidence of the existence of a supreme being. coincidence is not a word that refers to something that happened out of blind chance, there are laws the govern the randomness of our universe, and it's the accumulations of those law's results that leads to what we perceive as blind chance. We just have to look at the matter from a wider perspective so we can see the big picture, instead of narrowing our selves to only one imaginary solution "God".There is nothing special about the above pictures, simply because we can look at random things and see what ever we like, i have collected some pictures of random things we see in every day life, that vaguely, or clearly looks like a duck as can seen bellow:

If i were to interpret these images as most Muslims do, then the only conclusion that i would come up with is that God is a duck.
Nature can be chaotic and random, and it produces things in so many random shapes and sizes, if we look close enough we are bound at some point to see something from nature that happens to resemble something familiar to us, that doesn't mean that there is a divine force at work.